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January 02, 2023 3 Translation missing: en.blogs.article.read_time

Hands up if you lead a busy life? Hands up if you’re too busy to stop to put your hands up?

Time is a precious commodity. In this non-stop world, we just can’t find enough of it to do the stuff we love. Something has to give, and our eating and fitness are usually the first to feel the squeeze. No matter how hectic your lifestyle is, there’s always time for fitness, and here’s how:

Make fitness a priority and the first thing you do

Do you set a reminder to shower and brush your teeth in the morning? Of course not! It’s so ingrained into your routine, you do it without thinking. Try fitting in five minutes of exercise immediately after getting out of bed; a few crunches, star jumps and press-ups will do. At this stage of 2023, all you’re trying to do is build good habits. After a week, up the duration to ten minutes. Pretty soon you’ll be getting your heart rate up and your daily fitness fix before the kettle’s even boiled.

Preparation is key 

Exercise is probably the last thing on your mind before you go to bed. Don’t worry, I’m not about to suggest you hit the floor and bust out a set of press-ups before passing out. All I want you to do is pack your Cerus clothing gym kit and schedule in your workout for the next day. Cerus is a leading sportswear brand based in Cardiff which provides durable training apparel engineered with advanced fabric technologies. 

Have you ever made lunch the night before so you could grab ‘em and go in the morning? Start doing the same with your gym gear. If you’ve got your kit with you, you’ll be far more inclined to squeeze in a workout on your lunch break or after work.

Turn your commute into your workout

In practice, not everyone can jog or cycle to work every day – aside from the time it entails, most offices aren’t equipped with showers and changing facilities, and you may also be working from home. However, there is nothing to stop you working up a sweat before work or on the way home, however. Try jumping off the bus or train a few stops early or parking your car a little further away. With your favourite tunes pumping in your ear and your feet pounding the tarmac, rush hour is transformed into the most productive hour of your day.

Don’t fit exercise around your job – make it your job

It’s time you started viewing exercise as an extension of your job. An unskippable extension of your job, because guess what? Exercise is critical to your job.

When you work out, it increases blood flow to your body’s tissues – including your brain. Not only does exercise make you feel better, but it makes you think more effectively too. Start scheduling workouts into your calendar as if they were a meeting or important conference call.


Less is more

Sometimes less is more…at least it is when you’re doing a high-intensity circuit. No time to slog it out on the treadmill for an hour? No problem. sprint drills will deliver all the benefits of a lengthy cardio workout in just 15 minutes.

To learn more about Cerus's workout tips and premium sportswear for men and women. Visit: 

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